Robert Smyth

(married) NOT!!! Tried it twice, twice too many!
(pets) Mika - American Gray Kitty-Kat
(livenow) Tucson, Arizona - 17 years
(livebefore) Most states, Germany, England, France and a short trip to Vietnam.
(live-visitlater) Australia
(jobnow) Electrical Engineer (believe it or not), self employed, 16 years
(joblater) Anything that requires that I do what I want, when I want and pays me lots of money. (Hey, that's the dream we all started with isn't it?)
(talents) Licensed Professional Electrical Engineer, Arizona, Washington, Oregon.
(achievements) Started my own business, smartest thing I ever did! (Other than getting out of the Army)
(newgoals) To sit at my pool, drink a 7&7 and play the penny stocks. Let someone else save the world.
(favmemories) Stopping at the creek on the way to school and having a beer with Judy Z.
(favteachers) You've got to be kidding! Can't think of any that didn't throw me out of their class at least once.
(favsongs) Any and all.
(favnow) There's a lot more to life than they led us to believe in high school. Watching the sun rise or the sun set and being with good friends will do just fine.
(message) Sorry I missed the 30th reunion. I was actually in town four days before the reunion visiting my mom but couldn't stay. She gave me the invitation to the reunion the day I got there on the 9th!! Hope to make the next one. That is if we're all allowed out of the retirement homes!! See ya next time!