G. Wayne Osborne 

   Wayne & his grandson Matt

(e-mail) GOWAYNE@aol.com
(children) Michelle 30, Michael 27
(gchildren) Wesley 9, Chris 6, Matt 3
(livenow) Fairborn OH, 45 years
(livebefore) New England, Southern, Southwest States and Canada
(live-visitlater) Hawaii and all the other states
(jobnow) Tool & Die Maker, Vernay Laboratories, 15 years
(talents) Raised two wonderful kids
(favmemories) Enjoying good times with friends and participating on the wrestling team
(favteachers) Mr. Elliott and Coach Painter
(favsongs) Beach Boys and many more
(favnow) Walking, bike riding, playing guitar and singing, and of course playing with the grandkid

FHS 2,3,4; Latin Club 2; Wrestling 2,3,4