Wendy (Liss) Stout  

(email) eftwendy@yahoo.com
(married) 41 years (Dec 31, 1969)
(spouse) Rick Stout - FHS 1969
(children) Andria, Heidi, Peter
(gchildren) Katie, Kerri, Erin, Bayleigh, Charlotte, Sophie, Derek, Becca, Chandra, Joshua - married to Ashleigh with son Andrew! 
(livenow) Sand Springs, OK 74063 - 4 years 
(jobnow) self employed 
(schools) BSc Natural Health, MSc in Natural Health (2011)
(talents) still longest married class couple! We have a great-grandson
(achievements) going back to college after 50, getting MSc this year
(newgoals) PhD in Natural Health, presenting energy workshops internationally
(favmemories) dating Rick, TAC dances 
(favsongs) Elvis
(favnow) teach, garden, read
(message) www.eftwendy.com

FHS 3,4; LeMoyne D’Iberville 2