Carl Fields

(married) 15 years
(spouse) Sharlene Rogers, FHS 1969
(children) Jeff 30, Angie 29, Michael 26, Carl, Jr. 25, Billy 23, and Rosalyn 20
(gchildren) Ashley 10, Jessie 8, Cameron 3
(pets) Ozzie and Lucy
(livenow) Clarksville, Ohio
(livebefore) Eastern Carribean
(live-visitlater) England
(jobnow) Fiber Optic Inspectors
(schools) Miami Jacobs, Associates 1977, WSU
(talents) chief
(newgoals) To retire someday and travel
(favteachers) Mr Welty
(favnow) golf, love to cook
(message) Hope to see you at the reunion.

FHS 2; GJVS 3,4; Concert Choir 2; Cross Country 2