Anita (Cochran) Dunaway 

(married) March
28, 1969
(spouse) Don Dunaway, class of '68
(children) Bradley, Rodney and
(gchildren) Taylor, Amy, Raegan, Kelsey, Joel and Donovan
Miss Kitty- gray long haired cat 20 yrs old given to me by Wendy Liss Stout at our 20 yr reunion.
(livenow) Fairborn OH (forever)
(lived-visited) Visited: Paris France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium,
Canada, most of the US including Alaska and Hawaii.
(live-visitlater) Would
like to visit London, Amsterdam, Paris again!, Switzerland again, Hawaii and
Alaska again!,Portugal, Spain, and Australia
(jobnow) 'Professional'
(jobbefore) Interior Designer
(schools) Degree in Interior
(talents) Enjoy planning and organizing of events. I got to hug, kiss
& be kissed (on the cheek) President Bush!
(achievements) Good wife,
mother and grandmother 'Nana'
(newgoals) To be the person God wants me to
(favmemories) Home Room #117 and Walking the halls during
(favteachers) Miss Hamilton (Science) and Mrs Wicker (Home
(favsongs) Beatles 'Yesterday'. Most songs from the 50's,60's and
(favnow) Spend time with husband, family and grandchildren, attending
church, Bible study, reading, gardening, sewing, quilting, cross stitch,
volunteer with TWIGS (Children's Medical Center), Church Children's Ministries,
and lots of traveling,
(message) We need to look back to where we once were
in order to know where we are going. Hope to see everyone at the reunion next
FHS 2,3,4