Sylvan Seidenman 

(email) sseidenman @
(married) Married 1970
(spouse) Sandy
(children) None
(gchildren) None
(pets) cats
(livenow) Miami, FL 33187
(lived-visited) Miami; visited all over
(live-visitlater) where it's cooler - Atlanta area?
(jobnow) retired
(jobbefore) New World School of the Arts - 22 years- counselor
(schools) Kenyon College - '65; U.Miami, M.Ed. '68
(talents) master of ceremonies
(achievements) A good life; helped many students
(newgoals) writing
(favmemories) my MSSH social studies students; Zeitgeist sponsor
(favnow) Reading; attend plays and concerts; serving on community arts boards/grant committees
(message) Many MSSH students have a fond spot in my heart.  If the feeling is mutual, get in touch!