Phips Deus

(married) NO
(pets) my 2 brothers and my sister
(livenow) Pembroke Pines 33025, 4 years
(lived-visited) Orlando, Key West, Bahamas, Boston
(live-visitlater) Las Vegas, New Orleans, Daytona
(jobnow) HSN 2.5 months
(jobbefore) Don't ask
(schools) High School AA in Hotel Mgmt in May from J & W
(talents) being the legend of lost and found (ask the track team)
(achievements) Waking up every morning and remembering my name
(favmemories) Pep rallies, track meets, prom
(favteachers) Pinkston, Ferguson, Pruna, Benson, Amoedo, Cruz, Zanasco (you didn't think I was serious did you)
(favsongs) Hip-Hop, R & B
(favnow) Play video games
(message) Hope to see you guys soon.  High school was the best time of my life.  Remember you control your destiny, don't make that a bad thing.