(email) vmoonchild @ bellsouth.net
(married) May 2000, soon to be 8 years
(spouse) William D. Shepard (Hialeah High)
(children) Samantha Elena Shepard, 2006
(livenow) Miami, FL 33158 (since 2000)
(lived-visited) Lived: Miami Springs, Gainesville, Mexico. Visited:
Caribbean, Mexico, Canada, many states.
(live-visitlater) Would like to live: Savannah, GA, or a nice area out
west. Would like to visit: Europe, Uruguay, safari Africa
(jobnow) Miami-Dade County Public Schools, since 2002
(joblater) future job in diamonds, precious stones
(schools) University of Florida, 1999, B.S. Speech Pathology and
Audiology; University of Miami, 2002, M.S.Ed in Reading and Learning
(talents) ASL, cooking, dancing, and I've been obsessed with colorguard
(DCI/WGI) since I started teaching
(achievements) having a good marriage, moving quickly up the career
ladder in education
(newgoals) being a good mommy, finding a new career that will let me
enjoy my family more
(favmemories) they all revolved around Band, Signing Hawks, or certain
(favteachers) Dr. Riviere (now Dierman), Dr. Cruz-Alvarez, and of course,
(favsongs) listened to a lot of everything...to study, Enigma or Sting
(favnow) create winter guard shows, try different wines, and watch my
daughter discover the world
(message) The reunion was fun! Hope to see more of everyone for our