Cindy (Patterson/Bianchi) McCauley

(email) cindy2700 @
(married) Married, 1986-2003, divorced, Remarried, June 25, 2005
(spouse) Genard McCauley
(children) Travis (1989), Keith (1993), Shayla (1998)
(gchildren) PUH-Leeeze!!!
(pets) Fluffy (rabbit)
(livenow) Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202 (2 years)
(lived-visited) Lived: Boca Raton FL (16 yrs) / Zurich, Switzerland (1 yr).  Visited: Several countries in Europe/many states in US
(live-visitlater) Live: Always Florida.  Visit: Everywhere.
(jobnow) Stay at home mom/Homemaker (17 years)
(jobbefore) Medical Electronics Company (5 years) / Travel Industry (6 years)
(joblater) Retirement!!
(schools) MDCC, BA, 1979
(talents) Raising great kids
(achievements) Having a family, traveling
(newgoals) More travel, learning to sail
(favmemories) Football games, drama plays, going to the beach
(favteachers) Mr. Maddalone
(favnow) Traveling, entertaining, dates with my husband, spending time with my kids.
(message) Karen Schimminger, call me!!